Canadian Fact Sheet

Official Name. Canada.

Capital. Ottawa.

Coat of Arms. Arms of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France on shield symbolize origins of Canadians; 3 maple leaves represent Canada. Lion on crest holds red maple leaf, symbol of sacrifice. Supporters are lion holding British Union and unicorn with ancient banner of France. Adopted 1958.

National Emblems. Maple leaf and beaver.

Motto. A mari usque ad mare (From sea to sea), from 72nd Psalm, verse 8.

Anthem. 'O Canada'.


Borders. Coast--mainland, 1,053,482 miles (1,695,369 kilometers); islands, 333,550 miles (536,782 kilometers); land frontier--5,527 miles (8,895 kilometers).

Natural Regions. Appalachian Region, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, Canadian Shield, Interior Plains, Cordilleran Region, Innuitian Region.

Major Ranges. Coast Mountains, Rocky Mountains.

Notable Peaks. Mount Logan, 19,524 feet (5,951 meters); Mount Fairweather, 15,300 feet (4,663 meters); Mount Columbia, 12,294 feet (3,747 meters).

Major Rivers. Mackenzie, St. Lawrence, Nelson, Saskatchewan, Peace.

Major Lakes. Great Lakes (partly in Canada), Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Winnipeg.

Major Island. Baffin.

Climate. Atlantic region--moderate, but cold currents; rain 30-55 inches (760-1,400 millimeters). Central region--mild; rain 30-55 inches (760-1,400 millimeters). Prairie region--short, hot summers; bitter winters; rain 13-20 inches (330-510 millimeters). Pacific region--mild temperatures; dry interior; cool and rainy central interior. Northern region--harsh; rain light in northern Yukon, heavy on mountainous coast of British Columbia.


Population (1991 census). 27,296,859; 7.6 persons per square mile (2.9 persons per square kilometer); 77 percent urban, 23 percent rural.

Vital Statistics (rate per 1,000 population). Births--14.9; deaths--7.3; marriages--7.3.

Life Expectancy (at birth). Males--73.3 years; females--80.0 years.

Major Languages. English, French.

Ethnic Groups. Mother tongues. English, French, Italian, German, Ukrainian, Chinese.

Major Religions. Roman Catholicism, Protestantism.

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